ABA Required Disclosures
Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures)
Federal and state law and American Bar Association standards require law schools to provide students and potential applicants with certain information. This page was developed to provide access to this information from one convenient location. Please follow the links below for information on each of the topics listed.
- General information - Standard 509 Information Report including:
- admission data
- tuition, fees and living costs
- enrollment data and attrition/graduation rates
- number of full-time and part-time faculty and administrators
- class size and curriculum details
- financial aid, including grants and scholarship
- Refund Policies
- Curricular offerings
- Course descriptions: Detailed descriptions of the content and coverage of required and elective courses and clinics offered at the Law Center
- Course Planning Guide: showing the sequence of required courses, the availability of elective courses, graduation requirements, course concentration areas, and typical progress toward completion of the J.D. degree for full-time, 4-year part-time and 5-year part-time students
- Structured Curriculum
- Academic Calendar
- Library resources
- Facilities
- Employment summary reports
Employment Summary Report for the Class of 2023
Employment Summary Report for the Class of 2022
Employment Summary Report for the Class of 2021 - Bar Passage Outcomes
- Policies regarding transfer of credit earned at another institution of higher education. The Law Center accepts credits earned at other institutions under certain circumstances. Criteria and details may be found here.
Qualifications for Admission to the Bar (American Bar Association Standard 504)
In addition to a bar examination, there are character fitness, and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every U.S. jurisdiction. Applicants are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend to seek admission by contacting the jurisdiction. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National Conference of Bar Examiners
Dual Degree Program
The Law Center offers a dual degree program with Stony Brook University (JD/MSW). Through a cross-recognition of credits, students can earn both degrees in less time, and at lower cost, than if each degree had been taken separately. Students must apply separately to Touro Law Center and to the partner institution and be accepted by both. For details of the programs click here.
The Law Center offers a dual degree program with Stony Brook University (JD/MSW). Through a cross-recognition of credits, students can earn both degrees in less time, and at lower cost, than if each degree had been taken separately. Students must apply separately to Touro Law Center and to the partner institution and be accepted by both. For details of the programs click here.
Law School Accreditation
Touro Law Center is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, (312) 988-6738.
Touro Law Center is also a member of the Association of American Law Schools, (AALS), 1614 20th Street, NW Washington D.C., 20009-1001, (202) 296-8851.