Media Guide

With outstanding academic credentials, rich backgrounds and engaging personalities, Touro Law faculty members are a valuable source of information to the media and are available to lend to their expertise on a wide variety of legal subjects.

For additional information or help locating one of our faculty members, contact Patti Desrochers, Director of Communications, by phone at (631)761-7062 or by e-mail at

Access to Justice
Laura Dooley
Cate Carbonaro

Administrative Law
Rodger Citron

Alternate Dispute Resolution
Harold Abramson
Appellate Advocacy
Joan Foley
Artificial Intelligence and the Law
Gabriel Weil
Leif Rubinstein

Bar Exams/Success
Regina Burch
Cynara Hermes McQuillan

Business Law
Meredith R. Miller
Lauren Roth

Michelle Zakarin
Disability Rights
Samuel J. Levine

Domestic Violence
Deseriee A. Kennedy
Lynne Kramer
Education Law
Melina A. Healey
Environmental Law
Michael Lewyn
Environmental Litigation
Joan Foley
Elder Law
Denise Doty
Eminent Domain
Patricia E. Salkin
Employee Benefits
Lauren Roth
Employment Law
Meredith R. Miller
Environmental Justice
Patricia E. Salkin
Foreclosure Law
Leif Rubinstein
Free Speech
Jorge Roig
Government Ethics
Patricia E. Salkin
Immigration Law
Mauricio Noroña
Intellectual Property
Jorge Roig
Rena C. Seplowitz
Juvenile Justice
Melina A. Healey

Law and Religion
Samuel J. Levine
Law School Admissions
Elena B. Langan
Matrimonial Law
Lynne Kramer
Municipal Law
Patricia E. Salkin

Native American Rights
Melina A. Healey
Hal Abramson

New York State Constitution
Patricia E. Salkin

Professional Responsibility
Richard Klein - Prosecutorial of Judicial Ethical Concerns
Marjorie Silver
Psychology and Lawyering
Marjorie Silver
Race and Gender
Richard Klein

Real Estate
Rena C. Seplowitz
Sex Trafficking
Cate Carbonaro

Small Business
Meredith R. Miller
Startup Business
Meredith R. Miller
Technology and the Law
Jorge Roig
Michelle Zakarin
Trusts and Estates
Rena C. Seplowitz

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