
January/February 2024


Ilene Sherwyn Cooper, The Closing Months of the Year, NYLJ (Feb. 2, 2024).

Laura Dooley & Meredith R. Miller, Federal Jurisdiction and the Limited Liability Company: Should the Diversity Statute be Amended?, Verdict – Justia (Feb. 8, 2024).

Tiffany C. Graham, “The Cruelty Is the Point”: Using Buck v. Bell as a Tool for Diversifying Instruction in the Law School Classroom, 29 Roger Williams U. L. Rev. 62 (2023).

Samuel J. Levine, Interpreting Ethics Rules, 51 Pepp. L. Rev. 219 (2024).

Michael Lewyn, The Case Against the Case for Zoning, 35 Geo. Ent’l L. Rev. 249 (2023).

Michael Lewyn. Busting a Common Myth About Speeding, Planetizen (Jan. 23, 2024).

Michael Lewyn. Poor People Move Too, Market Urbanism (Feb. 20, 2024).

Meredith R. Miller & Laura Dooley, Federal Jurisdiction and the Limited Liability Company: Should the Diversity Statute be Amended?, Verdict – Justia (Feb. 8, 2024).


Honors, Awards & Appointments:

Joan Foley, Past Chair, Aging and the Law Section, Association of American Law Schools.

Samuel J. Levine, Chair, Jewish Law Section, Association of American Law Schools.



Leonard Badia, Update on Navigating the Suffolk County District Court System, Perfect for Practice CLE Series, Touro Law Center (Jan. 28, 2024). 

Rodger D. Citron, commentator, The New Voices in Administrative Law, Administrative Law Section, 2024 Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting (Jan. 6, 2024).

Rodger D. Citron, Discussing Polarizing Topics in a Polarizing Time: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?, 2024 Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting (Jan. 6, 2024).

Mark Cohen, Criminal Law and Procedure Update, Perfect for Practice CLE Series, Touro Law Center (Jan. 21, 2024).

Joan Foley, moderator, Preparing for the Demands of an Aging Population, Aging and the Law Section, 2024 Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting (Jan. 3, 2024).

Joan Foley, moderator, Ongoing/Past Projects in the Area of Healthy Aging, 2023 Touro Interdisciplinary Institute for Healthy Aging Symposium (Nov. 9, 2023).

Tiffany C. Graham, Diversity in the Law, Perfect for Practice CLE Series, Touro Law Center (Jan. 26, 2024).

Joseph Indusi, “How to Hang a Shingle” – Starting a Law Firm, Perfect for Practice CLE Series, Touro Law Center (Jan. 28, 2024).

Samuel J. Levine, Antisemitism on College Campuses: Professors Speak Out, Touro Talks & Jewish Law Institute (Feb. 26, 2024).

Samuel J. Levine, Nuremberg Laws & Nuremberg Trials: Abuses and Uses, and Hopes, Regarding the Rule of Law, Jewish Law Institute, Touro Law Center (Jan. 30, 2024).

Meredith R. Miller, moderator, “How to Hang a Shingle” – Starting a Law Firm, Perfect for Practice CLE Series, Touro Law Center (Jan. 28, 2024).

Meredith R. Miller, 2024 Constance Baker Motley Symposium: 10 Strategies to Be a Culturally Effective Lawyer, New York State Bar Association (Jan. 17, 2024).

Ryan Nasim, “How to Hang a Shingle” – Starting a Law Firm, Perfect for Practice CLE Series, Touro Law Center (Jan. 28, 2024).

Peter Zablotsky, Annual Ethics Update, Perfect for Practice CLE Series, Touro Law Center (Jan. 19, 2024).



Rodger D. Citron, moderator, David Guterson Discusses His Novel, The Final Case, Touro Law Review Podcast (Feb. 23, 2024). 

Gabriel Weil, interviewed, Dylan Matthews, Can the Courts Save us From Dangerous AI?, Vox (Feb. 7, 2024). 

Peter A. Zablotsky, moderator, Ray Brescia on Lawyer Nation, The Past, Present, and Future of the American Legal System, Touro Law Review Podcast (Feb. 14, 2024).

Michelle Zakarin, moderator, NextGen Bar: A Shift for the Good?, Touro Law Review Podcast (Feb. 8, 2024)



Harold I. Abramson, A Fifth Branch of Government: The Private Regulators and Their Constitutionality, 16 Hastings Const. L. Q. 165, was cited in, Ursula Ramsey, The Professional Employer Organization Regulatory Regime, 20 Hastings. Bus. L.J. 95 (2024). 

Harold Abramson, Crossing Borders into New Ethical Territory: Ethical Challenges When Mediating Cross Culturally, 49 S. Tex. L. Rev. 921 (2008), was cited in, Mary B. Culbert, Proposal: A New Unified Canon of Mediator Ethics, 39 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 1 (2023). 

Laura Gaston Dooley, Equal Protection and the Procedural Bar Doctrine in Federal Habeas Corpus, 59 Fordham L. Rev. 737 (1991), was cited in, Sophie Squire, Understanding Factual Innocence in Louisiana Post-Article 926.2: Freestanding or Free Falling?, 25 Loy. Pub. Int. L. 163 (2023).

Tal Kastner, Systemic Risk of Contract, 45 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 451 (2021), was cited in, Robert E. Scott, Stephen J. Choi & Mitu Gulati, Contractual Landmines, 41 Yale J. on Reg. 307 (2024).

Tal Kastner & Ethan Leib, Contract Creep, 107 Geo. L. J. 1277 (2019), was cited in, Mark Fenster, How Reputational Nondisclosure Agreements Fail (Or, In Praise of Breach), 107 Marq. L. Rev. 325 (2023).

Tal Kastner & Farshad Ghodoosi, Big Data on Contract Interpretation, U.C. Davis L. Rev. (forthcoming 2024), was cited in, Assaf Jacob, Yotem Kaplan & Roy Shapira, An Information-Production Theory of Contract Law, 109 Iowa L. Rev. 603 (2024).

Tal Kastner & Ethan J. Leib, Contract Creep, 107 Geo. L. J. 1277 (2019), was cited in, Howard M. Erichson & Ethan J. Leib, Class Action Settlements as Contracts?, 102 N.C. L. Rev. 73 (2023).

Tal Kastner, Systemic Risk of Contract, 45 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 451 (2021), was cited in, Contractual Landmines, 41 Yale J. on Reg. 307 (2024).

Eileen Kaufman, Shelter from the Storm: An Analysis of U.S. Refugee Law as Applied to Tibetans Formerly Residing in India, 23 Geo. Immigr. L. J. 497 (2008), was cited in, Betsy L. Fisher, Discretion in Immigration Law: A Partial Remedy for Stateless People in the United States, 15 Ne. U. L. Rev. 359 (2023). 

Richard Daniel Klein, The Constitutionalization of Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, 58 Md. L. Rev. 1433 (1999), was cited in, Rebekah Schwartz, Prison Abolition, Not Reform: Federal Habeas as a Scapegoat of our Criminal Legal System, 28 Berkeley J. Crim. L. 205 (2024).

Richard Daniel Klein, The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shall Not Be Compelled to Render Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, 68 Ind. L.J. 363 (1993), was cited in, Taylor J. Johnston, Appellate Review of Death Sentences in Alabama: Meaningful or Meaningless?, 50 Ohio N.U. L. Rev. 135 (2023).

Richard Daniel Klein, An Analysis of Thirty-Five Years of Rape Reform: A Frustrating Search for Fundamental Fairness, 41 Akron L. Rev. 980 (2015), was cited in, Raymond Trent Cromartie, Aequitas: Seeking Equilibrium in Title IX, 49 U. Dayton L. Rev. 53 (2023).

Elena B. Langan, “We Can Work It Out”: Using Cooperative Mediation – A Blend of Collaborative and Traditional Mediation – To Resolve Divorce Disputes, 30 Rev. Litig. 245 (2011), was cited in, Samantha Lamka, Empowering Children’s Rights Where They Matter: Implementing Child-Inclusive Mediations in Divorce Proceedings, 39 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 149 (2023).

Elena B. Langan, The Elimination of Child “Custody” Litigation: Using Business Branding Techniques to Transform Social Behavior, 36 Pace L. Rev. 375 (2016), was cited in, William B. Reingold, Jr., Interpreting Parenting Plans as Contracts, 22 U.N.H. L. Rev. 1 (2023).

Samuel J. Levine & Bruce A. Green, Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, Walter W. Harding, Jr., Prosecutorial Misconduct: Convictions by Any Means Necessary, 11 Lincoln Mem’l U. L. Rev. 89 (2023).

Samuel J. Levine, A Look at the Establishment Clause Through the Prism of Religious Perspectives: Religious Majorities, Religious Minorities, and Nonbelievers, 87 Chi-Kent L. Rev. 775 (2012), was cited in, Frank S. Ravitch, Unprincipled, 61 Hous. L. Rev. 517 (2024).

Samuel J. Levine, Was Yosef on the Spectrum? (2020), was cited in, Magnus Rabel, Developing Joseph’s Character: narratological Reflections on the Dynamic Character of the Biblical Joseph, 68 Biblische Zeitschrift 1 (2024).

Samuel J. Levine & Russell G. Pearce, Rethinking the Legal Reform Agenda: Will raising the Standards for Bar Admission Promote or Undermine Democracy, Human Rights, and Rule of Law?, 77 Fordham L. Rev. 1635 (2009), was cited in, Charles Anthony Smith & Fahad Abdul Alwahab, Lawyers Revolting, Revolting Lawyers: The Bench and Bar in the Arab Spring, 2 J. Arts Human. & Soc. Sci. 1 (2024).

Samuel J. Levine, The Supreme Court’s Hands-off Approach to Religious Questions in the Era of Covid-19 and Beyond, 24 U. PA. J. Const. L. 276 (2022), was cited in, Justin Collings & Anna Bryner, Defining Religion and Accommodating Religious Exercise, 99 Ind. L. J. 515 (2024).

Michael Lewyn, How Environmental Review Can Generate Car-Induced Pollution: A Case Study, 14 Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y Rev. 53 (2014), was cited in, Christopher J. Hoffler, Tiny Home Lot Split Policy: A Needed Adjunct to Accessory Dwelling Units in Promoting Affordable Housing, 27 N.C. Banking Inst. 145 (2023).

Patricia E. Salkin & Pamela Ko, Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Student Housing, Remote Instruction, Campus Policies, and COVID-19, 50 Urb. Law. 371 (2020), was cited in, John K. Setear, Covid, Contracts. and Colleges, 126 W. Va. L. Rev. 1 (2024).

Patricia E. Salkin & Keith H. Hirokawa, Can Urban University Expansion and Sustainable Development Co-Exists? A Case Study in Progress on Columbia University, 37 Fordham Urban L.J. 637 (2010), was cited in, Elena De Nictolis & Christian Iaione, The Science of Urban Regions: Public-Science-Community Partnerships as a New Mode of Regional Governance?, 24 Theoretical Inquiries L. 141 (2023).

Patricia E. Salkin, Am. Law. Zoning (5th ed. 2020), was cited in, Nestor M. Davidson & Alan R. Romero, Law in Place: Reflections on Rural and Urban Legal Paradigms, 50 Fordham Urb. L.J. 201 (2023).

Patricia E. Salkin, Am. Law. Zoning (5th ed. 2010), was cited in, Brief of Respondent, H4IT Properties, LLC v. Chelan Cnty, 2023 WL 9595791 (Wash. App. Div. 1, Dec. 27, 2023).

Patricia E. Salkin & Amy Levine, Land Use Law and Active Living: Opportunities for States to Assume a Leadership Role in Promoting and Incentivizing Local Options, 5 Rutgers J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 317 (2008), was cited in, Daniel B. Rosenbaum, Interlocal Power Roulette, 99 Ind. L. J. 417 (2024).

Martin A. Schwartz, Karen Blum & Erwin Chemerinsky, Qualified Immunity Developments: Not Much Hope Left for Plaintiffs, 29 Touro L. Rev. 633 (2013), was cited in, Guha Krishnamurthi & Peter N. Salib, Qualified Immunity as Gun Control, 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 93 (2023).

Martin A. Schwartz, Section 1983 Litigation § 3.05 (4th ed., 2006), was cited in, Springer v. Seventh Jud. Dist. Ct., 2024 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 647, 2024 WL 22085 (Dist. N.M., Jan. 2, 2024).

Martin A. Schwartz, Fundamentals of Section 1983 Litigation, 17 Touro L. Rev. 525 (2016), was cited in, Nancy Leong, Challenges in Substantive Due Process Litigation, 76 SMU L. Rev. 459 (2023).

Martin A. Schwartz, Karen Blum & Erwin Chemerinsky, Qualified Immunity Developments: Not Much Hope Left for Plaintiffs, 29 Touro L. Rev. 633 (2013), was cited in, Nancy Leong, Constitutional Accountability Through State Tort Law, 2023 Wis. L. Rev. 1707 (2023).

Martin A. Schwartz & Kathryn R. Urbonya, Section 1983 Litigation 4 (2d ed. 2008), was cited in, Jack Salt, Skirting State Action: Section 1983 Challenges to Education and Charter Management Organizations After Peltier v. Charter Day School, Inc., 102 N.C. L. Rev. 281 (2023).

Martin A. Schwartz, Section 1983 Civil Rights Litigation from the October 2006 Term, 23 Touro L. Rev. 827 (2008), was cited in, Savannah G. Plaisted, The Cruel and Unusual Punishment of Prison Rape: Why the Prison Rape Elimination Act Failed and How to Fix It, 19 U. Mass. L. Rev. 128 (2024).

Thomas A. Schweitzer, “A” Students Go to Court: Is Membership in the National Honor Society a Cognizable Legal Right?, 50 Syracuse L. Rev. 63 (2000), was cited in, Angela Garcia, Comment, Fight Like a Girl: Holding Schools Accountable for Punishing Female Students Sexuality in Violation of Title IX, 58 U.S.F. L. Rev. 125 (2023).

Thomas A. Schweitzer, Justice Scalia, Originalism, and Textualism, 33 Touro L. Rev. 749 (2017), was cited in, John Mills & Aliya Sternstein, New Originalism: Arizona’s Founding Progressives on Extreme Punishment, 64 Ariz. L. Rev. 733 (2022).

Rena C. Seplowitz, Transfers Prior to Marriage and the Uniform Probate Code’s Redesign Elective Share – why the Partnership is Not Yet Complete, 25 Ind. L. Rev. 1 (1991), was cited in, I. Richard Gershon, “Till Death Do Us Part?” Why Does Mississippi Value the Spouse Breaking the Vow More Than the Spouse Keeping It?: A Proposal to Reform Mississippi’s surviving Spouse Protections, 91 Miss. L. J. 547 (2023).

Marjorie A. Silver, Transforming Justice, Lawyers, and the Practice of Law (2017), was cited in, Susan L. Brooks, Reimagining Lawyering: Supporting Well-Being and Liberation, 52 Hofstra L. Rev. 1 (2023).

Marjorie A. Silver, Behavior of Justice Douglas in Federal Tax Cases, 122 U. Pa. L. Rev. 235 (1974), was cited in, Lawrence Zelenak, The Income Tax, The Constitution, and the Unrealized Importance of Helvering v. Griffiths, 43 Va. Tax Rev. 257 (2023).

Theodore Silver, One Hundred Years of Harmful Error: The Historical Jurisprudence of Medical Malpractice, 1991 Wis. L. Rev. 1193 (1992), was cited in, John K. Setear, Covid, Contracts, and Colleges, 126 W. Va. L. Rev. 1 (2024).

Gabriel Weil, Global Climate Governance in 3D: Mainstreaming Geoengineering Within a Unified Framework, 83 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 507 (2022), was cited in, Jordan Metoyer, “OG ESG”: how African Sovereign Wealth Funds Can Show the Way Forward for International ESG Investing, 35 Geo. Envt’l L. Rev. 283 (2023).

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