
July 2024


Melina A. Healy, Opening up the In-House: A Model for Collaborative Holistic Services and Education in Law School Clinical Programs, 75 Wash. U. J. L. & Pol’y 152 (2024).

Michael Lewyn, Swimming Against the Tide, Market Urbanism (Jul. 3, 2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, Student Success Through Open Educational Resources (OER), Ass’n Chief Acad. Officers Blog (Jul. 5, 2024).

Patricia E. Salkin,Why Provosts Should Remain Active in Classroom, Ass’n Chief Acad. Officers Blog (June 17, 2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, Mergers and Acquisitions in Higher Education: What Provosts Should Know, Ass’n Chief Acad. Officers Blog (May 31, 2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, Teach-Outs for Closing Programs and Institutions, Ass’n Chief Acad. Officers Blog (May 31, 2024).

Martin A. Schwartz, Police Force Against Passively Resisting Suspects, NYLJ (Jul. 2, 2024).


Honors, Awards & Appointments:

Patricia E. Salkin, elected Secretary of the Association of Chief Academic Officers (2024).



Patricia Baia, I Am an ID: Of Course I Practice Lifelong Learning, Instructional Design Professionals Conference (Jul. 18, 2024).

Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus, Common Law of Contracts & Common Law Legal Analysis, Odesa Mechnikov National University, Ukraine (Mar. 22, 2024).

Rebecca Feinberg, To Be or Not to Be a Person, That is the Embryonic Question, Cambridge Quarterly Conference on Neuroscience, Ethics, and Technology, University of California, Berkeley (Jul. 5, 2024).

Tiffany C. Graham, panelist, Law of the Land: The Supreme Court Year in Review, Forum on Life, Culture & Society, 92NY Center for Culture & Arts (Jul. 8, 2024).

Elena B. Langan, panelist, Meaningful Mentorships: The Pivotal Role of Mentorships for Women, The Gender and Fairness Committee, New York County, Civil Branch (Jul. 10, 2024).

Samuel J. Levine, Scholar-in-Residence, To Save a Life: Confidentiality and the Innocent Convict in Jewish and American Law; Was Yosef on the Spectrum?; Capital Punishment in Jewish Law and American Law & Antisemitism on College Campuses and Beyond, Young Israel of Margate Synagogue, New Jersey (Jul. 15, 2024).

Samuel J. Levine, guest speaker, Antisemitism on College Campuses, Chabad of Malibu (Jul. 28, 2024).

Ann L. Nowak, Funding My Curiosity: How One Observation Led to Two Grants, 2024 Biennial Conference, Legal Writing Institute (Jul. 17, 2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, Engaging Closing Institutions: Considerations and Strategies, Association of Chief Academic Officers, General Assembly (Jul. 15, 2024).

Marjorie A. Silver, Designing a Life in the Law and Beyond, XXXVIIIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, International Association of Law and Psychology, University of Barcelona (Jul. 22, 2024).



Rodger D. Citron, The Demise of Chevron Deference: A Discussion with Professor David Franklin, Touro Law Review Podcast (Jul. 29, 2024).

Tiffany C. Graham, quoted, Robert Brodsky & Tiffany Cusaac-Smith, Biden Wants U.S. Supreme Court Reforms. Here’s what Scholars say About it, Newsday (Jul. 29, 2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, quoted, Andrew Wegley & Chris Dunker, Plan Would Reduce Pillen’s Tax Bill, Lincoln J. Star (July 26, 2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, mentioned, Karenna Meyer, Vacaville Arts and Entertainment Source: Faces and Places, Reporter (Vacaville, CA, Jul. 31, 2024).



Rodger D. Citron & John A. Rogovin, Lessons from the NextWave Saga: The Federal Communications Commission, the Courts, and the Use of Market Forms to Perform Public Functions, 57 Admin. L. Rev. 687 (2005), was cited in, Alexander Gouzoules, The Success of Pre-Enforcement Challenges to Antidiscrimination Laws, 55 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 571 (2023).

Tal Kastner & Ethan J. Leib, Contract Creep, 107 Geo. L.J. 1277 (2019), was cited in, Ethan J. Leib, Interpretive Divergence in the New York Court of Appeals, 50 J. Legis. 387 (2024).

Eileen Kaufman, et al., Licensing Lawyers in a Pandemic: Proving Competence, Harv. L. Rev.: Blog (Apr. 7, 2020), was cited in, Marsha Griggs, Outsourcing Self-Regulation, 80 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1807 (2024). 

Deseriee A. Kennedy, Access Law Schools & Diversifying the Profession, 92 Temp. L. Rev. 799 (2020), was cited in, Nachman N. Gutowski, Stop the Count: The Historically Discriminatory Nature of the Bar Exam Requires Adjustments in How Bar Passage Rates are Reported, if at all, 21 Seattle J. Soc. Just. 589 (2023).

Deseriee A. Kennedy, “The Good Mother”: Mothering, Feminism, and Incarceration, 18 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 161 (2012), was cited in, Riley Smith et al., Correctional Facilities, 25 Geo. J. Gender & L. 437 (2024).

Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus, UBE-Shopping: An Unintended Consequence of Portability, 88 NY St. B.A. J. 46 (2016), was cited in, Nachman N. Gutowski, Stop the Count: The Historically Discriminatory Nature of the Bar Exam Requires Adjustments in How Bar Passage Rates are Reported, if at all, 21 Seattle J. Soc. Just. 589 (2023).

Sidney Kwestel, Freedom from Reliance: A Contract Approach to Express Warranty, 26 Suffolk U. L. Rev. 959 (1992), was cited in, Steven L. Schwarcz, Representations & Warranties, Fraud, and Risk Shifting: An Analytical Framework, 92 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 549 (2024).

Michael Lewyn, Twenty-First Century Planning and the Constitution, 74 Colo. L. Rev. 651 (2003), was cited in, Sam Spiegelman, Blight Made Right: Defects in State Condemnation Laws and a Roadmap for Reform in Alaska and Beyond, 40 Alaska L. Rev. 341 (2024).

Michael Lewyn, The Somewhat False Hope of Comprehensive Planning, 37 Haw. L. Rev. 39 (2015), was cited in, Alyssa Mendoza, San Joaquin Valley Rising: Effectuating Sustainability Through Transit-Oriented Development, 16 Golden Gate U. Env’t L.J. 1 (2024).

Samuel J. Levine, The Law: Business or Profession?: The Continuing Relevance of Julius Henry Cohen for the Practice of Law in the Twenty-First Century, 40 Fordham Urb. L.J. 1 (2016), was cited in, Ashley M. London, Who Watches the Watchmen? Using the Law Governing Lawyers to Identify the Applicant Duty Gap and Hold Bar Examiner Gatekeepers Accountable, 2023 Mich. St. L. Rev. 377 (2023).

Samuel J. Levine, Symposium: Current Issues in Disability Rights Law: Foreword, 35 Touro L. Rev. 1 (2019), was cited in, Garland Keith Voss, Teachers’ Perspectives of Using Assistive Technology when Writing Individual Education Plans with Parents (June 13, 2024) (Ph.D. dissertation, Walden University).

Samuel J. Levine, Capital Punishment in Jewish Law and Its Application to the American Legal System: A Conceptual Overview, 29 St. Mary’s L. J. 1037 (1998), was cited in, Susan Niditch, Ethics in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond (2023).

Samuel J. Levine, Teshuva: A Look at Repentance, Forgiveness, and Atonement in Jewish Law and American Legal Thought, 27 Fordham Urb. L. J. 1677 (2000), was cited in, Ghila Amati & Miri Freud-Kandel, Teshuva, in St. Andrews Encyclopedia of Theology (2024).

Samuel J. Levine, Seeking a Common Language for the Application of Rule 11 Sanctions: What is ‘Frivolous’?, 78 Neb. L. Rev. 677 (1999), was cited in, Jessica R. Gunder, Rule 11 is no Match for Generative AI, 27 Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 308 (2024).

Meredith R. Miller, Party Sophistication and Value Pluralism in Contract, 29 Touro L. Rev. 659 (2013) & Meredith R. Miller, Contract Law, Party Sophistication and the New Formalism, 75 Mo. L. Rev. 493 (2010), were cited in, Steven L. Schwarcz, Representations & Warranties, Fraud, and Risk Shifting: An Analytical Framework, 92 Geo. Wash L. Rev. 549 (2024).

Meredith R. Miller, Contract Law, Party Sophistication and the New Formalism, 75 Mo. L. Rev. 493 (2010), was cited in, Robert W. Emerson, Electronic Assent: Assuring the Review and Comprehension of Contract Terms in Franchising, 26 U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 350 (2024).

Jorge R. Roig et. al, Afterword: What’s Next? Into a Third Decade of LatCrit Theory, Community, and Praxis, 16 Seattle J. for Soc. Just. 823 (2018), was cited in, Roberto L. Corrada, RPL, CRT, & LatCrit: “Finding the ‘Me’ in the Legal Academy”, 101 Denv. L. Rev. 483 (2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, Eminent Domain Legislation Post-Kelo: A State of the States, 36 Env’t L. Rep. 10864 (2006), was cited in, Sam Spiegelman, Blight Made Right: Defects in State Condemnation Laws and a Roadmap for Reform in Alaska and Beyond, 40 Alaska L. Rev. 341 (2024).

Patricia E. Salkin & Julie A. Tappendorf, Handling the Land Use Case: Land Use Law, Practice & Forms (3d ed. 2023), was cited in, Isaac Lunt, Toward Distributed Nature: The Afforestation Easement and a Regenerative Land Ethic, 124 Colum. L. Rev. 1081 (2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, et al., Licensing Lawyers in a Pandemic: Proving Competence, Harv. L. Rev.: Blog (Apr. 7, 2020), was cited in, Marsha Griggs, Outsourcing Self-Regulation, 80 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1807 (2024).  

Patricia E. Salkin, Applying the Public Trust Doctrine in New York: A Management Tool for Protecting Public Resources Today and for Future Generations, 2 Alb. L. Env’t Outlook 5 (1996), was cited in, D.O. Malagrinó, Beach Please: Implementing a New England Coastal State Open Beach Access Act, 47 Environs Env’t L. & Pol’y J. 241 (2024).

Martin A. Schwartz & Erwin Chemerinsky, Dialogue on State Action, 16 Touro L. Rev. 775 (2000), was cited in, Hanna Lambert, The Death of “Hey Ump!”: New Rules in Pennsylvania and New Jersey Could get you Locked up or Kicked out for Heckling the Umpire, 31 Jeffrey S. Moorad Sports L. J. 365 (2024).

Marjorie A. Silver, Love, Hate, and Other Emotional Interference in the Lawyer/Client Relationship, 6 Clin. L. Rev. 259 (1999), was cited in, Melina A. Healey, Opening up the In-House: A Model for Collaborative Holistic Services and Education in Law School Clinical Programs, 75 Wash. U. J.L. Pol’y 152 (2024).

Theodore Silver, One Hundred Years of Harmful Error: The Historical Jurisprudence of Medical Malpractice, 1992 Wis. L. Rev. 1193 (1992), was cited in, Philip G. Peters, Jr., Modernizing the Medical Malpractice Standard of Care, 52 Sw. L. Rev. 465 (2024).

Theodore Silver & Jean Elting Rowe, The Jurisprudence of Action and Inaction in the Law of Tort: Solving the Puzzle of Nonfeasance & Misfeasance from the Fifteenth Through the Twentieth Centuries, 33 Duq. L. Rev. 807 (1995), was cited in, Annaliese Brellis, Rethinking the “No-Duty” Rule: How DeShaney can be Reformed to Enable Objective, Coherent Analysis and Protection for More Victims of Crime, 114 J. Crim L. & Criminology 155 (2024).

Gabriel Weil, Tort Law as a Tool for Mitigating Catastrophic Risk from Artificial Intelligence (2024), available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4694006, was cited in, John Bliss, Existential Advocacy: Lawyering for AI Safety and the Future of Humanity, 37 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 39 (2024).

Peter A. Zablotsky, The Appropriate Role of Plaintiff Misuse in Products Liability Causes of Action, 10 Touro L. Rev. 182 (1993), was cited in, Gregory C. Keating, Is the Third Restatement of Design Defect a Defective Product?, 52 Sw. L. Rev. 399 (2024).


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