Thursday, March 27, 2025
via Zoom

NY CLE credit available to participating attorneys.

Touro Law Center is pleased to announce the 2025 symposium, The Governance, Law, and Regulation of the Body, which will be held entirely over Zoom on March 27, 2025. The symposium will cover a variety of topics that broadly focus on concerns regarding autonomy and the scope of individual agency as these issues pertain to our bodies, including reproductive rights post-Dobbs; state control over transgender individuals; the relationship between law and death; and more. Ultimately, the conversation will focus on regulatory efforts by the state that impact the treatment of, and control over our physical selves, as well as the circumstances under which those interventions should be promoted or constrained.


9:00-Welcome: Tiffany C. Graham, Associate Professor, Touro Law Center

9:05-10:20 - The Conflict Between Freedom and Intervention in Transgender Lives

Charlie Arrowood, Senior Counsel, Richard C. Failla LGBTQ Commission
Brendan Connor, Assistant Professor of Law, Delaware Law School
Susan Keller, Professor of Law, Western State College of Law

10:20-10:30 - Break

10:30-10:45 - The Legal Regulation of Death

James Arrowood, CEO/President & General Counsel, Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Ela Leshem, Associate Professor of Law, Fordham School of Law
Fred O. Smith, Jr., Professor of Law, Emory University School of Law

11:45-Noon - Break

Noon-12:50 PM - Keynote Address

Victoria J. Haneman, Associate Dean for Research & Innovation, Frank J. Kellegher Professor of Trusts & Estates, Creighton University School of Law

1:00-2:15 PM - Regulation from the Cradle to the Grave: Autistic Children, Incarceration, and the Role of Religion in Disinterment

Jami Anderson, Teaching Assistant Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School
Eileen Prescott, Project Director for Accountable Prosecutor Project, Wake Forest University School of Law

2:15-2:30 - Break

2:30-3:45 - Abortion After Dobbs

Rachael Houston, Assistant Professor of American Judicial Politics, Texas Christian University
Elizabeth Kukura, Associate Professor of Law, Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law
Eliot Tracz, Assistant Professor of Law, New England Law, Boston 

3:45- Closing Remarks, Tiffany C. Graham, Associate Professor of Law, Touro Law Center

Tiffany C. Graham, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Law

Please direct all questions to Symposium Editor at or Professor Tiffany Graham at