January 15-16, 2025

Touro University • 3 Times Square • New York, NY 10036

Symposium co-sponsored by Touro University, Touro Law Center, and Touro Law Review.

Touro University, Touro Law Center, and the Touro Law Review hosted a symposium Academics, Lawyers, and Government: Who is Leading Higher Education in the 21st Century on January 15 and 16, 2025. This symposium explored the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, which traditionally has been guided by the academic community but now faces unprecedented legal, regulatory, and organizational challenges. Distinguished panels of scholars, policymakers, and industry experts engaged in a scholarly discussion of why these changes are occurring and what the future may hold, and the potential impacts on higher education institutions, students, and society.

This symposium was not just about discussing the challenges but also about finding solutions. It fostered meaningful dialogue and potential solutions to navigate this complex and evolving environment, providing practical value to those involved in the field.

This symposium was inspired by two recent books: All the Campus Lawyers: Litigation, Regulation and the New Era of Higher Education by Louis H. Guard and Joyce P. Jacobsen (2024) and May It Please the Campus: Lawyers Leading Higher Education by Patricia E. Salkin (2022). Given these recent developments, we expect the symposium to generate significant interest among in-house general counsels, college and university senior administrators, practitioners, and law professors.

Conference Videos

Keynote Address: The Legalization of Higher Education: Statutes, Regulations, Policies in a Changing Landscape.

Session 1: The Changing Regulatory Landscape in Higher Education

Session 2: Discrimination and Higher Education

Session 3: Changing Dynamics of Higher Education Institutions: Mergers, Acquisitions and Consolidations

Session 4: Lawyers Leading Higher Education



Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Touro University, Cross River Campus, 3 Times Square, NY

Dinner: 6:00 pm 

Welcoming Remarks: Alexa Sondey, Touro Law Review Editor-in-Chief
Keynote: The Legalization of Higher Education: Statutes, Regulations, Policies in a Changing Landscape

  • Louis Guard, J.D., Vice President and General Counsel, Hobart and William Smith Colleges; Adjunct Professor of Law, Cornell Law School
  • Joyce P. Jacobsen, Ph.D., former President, Hobart and William Smith Colleges; Professor of Economics

Moderator: Ona Alston Dosunmy, J.D., President & CEO, National Association of College and University Attorneys


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Touro University, Cross River Campus, 3 Times Square, NY

8:00 - 9:00 am - Continental Breakfast

9:00 am - Opening Remarks

  • Elena Langan, J.D., Dean and Professor of Law, Touro Law Center
  • Alan Kadish, M.D., President, Touro University
  • Rodger Citron, J.D., Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship and Professor of Law, Touro Law Center
  • Rena Seplowitz, J.D., Bruce K. Gould Distinguished Professor of Law and Faculty Advisor to the Law Review, Touro Law Center

9:15 - 10:45 am –The Changing Regulatory Landscape in Higher Education

  • Brian Kim, J.D., General Counsel, San Francisco Bay University
  • Peter Lake, J.D. Professor of Law, Charles A. Dana Chair and Director, Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy, Stetson University College of Law (remote presentation)
  • Matthew Lieberman, J.D., MBA, Associate General Counsel and Director of Regulatory Compliance, Touro University
  • Steven M. Richard, J.D., Partner, Leader, Higher Education and Leader Title IX, Nixon Peabody

Moderator: Elaine Crosson, J.D., former General Counsel, Fordham University, and Vice President for Legal Affairs, Long Island University; former Vice President for Government and Community Relations, Stony Brook University

10:45 - 11:00 am- Break

11:00 am - 12:30 pm - Discrimination and Higher Education

  • Professor Thane Rosenbaum, J.D., M.P.A., Distinguished University Professor, Touro University
  • Mary E. Kennard, J.D., former Vice President and Chief Legal Counsel at American University, Senior Consultant, Academic Search
  • Alyza Lewin, J.D., President, The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law

Moderator: Patricia Salkin, Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost, Graduate and Professional Divisions, Touro University

12:30 - 1:30 pm- Lunch

1:30-3:00 pm – Changing Dynamics of Higher Education Institutions: Mergers, Acquisitions and Consolidations

  • Michael Newman, J.D., Senior Vice President for Legal Affairs and Chief Compliance Officer, Touro University
  • Kevin Cavanagh, MBA, Consultant, Higher Ed Consolidation Solutions
  • Gregory N. Mandel, J.D., Provost and Laura H. Carnell Professor of Law, Temple University
  • Kevin McDonough, J.D., MBA, Partner, Cullen and Dykman LLP

Moderator: Angelo Stio, J.D., Partner, Troutman Pepper

3:00 - 3:15 pm- Break

3:15 - 4:45 pm – Lawyers Leading Higher Education – Panel Discussion

  • Andrés Acebo, J.D., President, New Jersey City University
  • Michelle J. Anderson, J.D., President, Brooklyn College
  • Nora Demleitner, J.D., President, St. John’s College 
  • Laura Ann Rosenbury, J.D., President, Barnard College
  • David Wippman, J.D., former President, Hamilton College

Moderator: Nicholas Allard, J.D., Randall C. Berg Jr. Dean, Jacksonville University College of Law

4:45 pm Concluding Remarks

  • Patricia Salkin, Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost, Graduate and Professional Divisions, Touro University

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