
March 2024


Ilene Sherwyn Cooper, Stepping From 2023 Into the New Year, NYLJ (Mar. 29, 2024).

Rebecca S. Feinberg & Michael S. Sinha, The Alabama Embryo Decision – The Politics and Reality of Recognizing “Extrauterine Children”, JAMA (Mar. 4, 2024).

Michael Lewyn, Is Inequality Destroying American Cities?, Planetizen (Mar. 13, 2024).

Michael Lewyn, Learning From Miami, Planetizen (Mar. 1, 2024).

Michael Lewyn, Apples to Apples Housing Cost Comparisons, Market Urbanism (Mar. 4, 2024).

Martin A. Schwartz, The Deadly Force ‘PIT Maneuver’ Case, NYLJ (Mar. 5, 2024).


Honors, Awards & Appointments:

Samuel J. Levine, Chair Elect of the AALS Jewish Law Section (2024).

Meredith R. Miller, board member, Lawyers’ Division of Judges & Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert (2024).



Hal Abramson, Deadline Negotiations: Como Lidar Com a Pressão e Prazos na Mediação?, Instituto de Certificação e Formação de Mediadores Lusófonos (Mar. 12, 2024).

Rodger D. Citron, moderator, Employment (I), Disability Rights & Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Touro Law Center (Mar. 7, 2024).

Rebecca S. Feinberg, moderator, Law and Society (II), Education. Disability Rights & Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Touro Law Center (Mar. 8, 2024).

Joan C. Foley, moderator, Transition and Independence, Disability Rights & Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Touro Law Center (Mar. 7, 2024).

Tiffany C. Graham, moderator, Awareness and Inclusion (II), Disability Rights & Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Touro Law Center (Mar. 7, 2024).

Melina A. Healey, moderator, Education, Disability Rights & Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Touro Law Center (Mar. 7, 2024).

Tal Kastner, (Against) Against the Drafter (with Farshad Ghodoosi), BYU Winter Deals Conference (Mar. 14-15, 2024).

Tal Kastner, participant, Sokol Colloquium: Landmines, Blackholes and the Contract Production Paradox, UVA Law (Mar. 29-30).

Deseriee Kennedy, moderator, Awareness and Inclusion (II), Education. Disability Rights & Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Touro Law Center (Mar. 8, 2024).

Samuel J.  Levine, Conference Organizer, Opening and Closing Remarks, Disability Rights & Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference. Touro Law Center (Mar. 7-8, 2024).  

Meredith .R Miller, moderator, Employment (II), Disability Rights & Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Touro Law Center (Mar. 7, 2024).

Rena C. Seplowitz, moderator, Law and Society (I), Disability Rights and Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Touro Law Center (Mar. 8, 2024).  

Michelle Zakarin, moderator, Law and Justice, Disability Rights & Inclusion: A Multidisciplinary Conference, Touro Law Center (Mar. 7, 2024).



Rodger D. Citron, moderator, David Lat and Zachary Shemtob on Judicial Ethics in a Populist Age, Touro Law Review Podcast (Mar. 4, 2024).

Deseriee Kennedy, moderator, A Discussion with Daniel Kiel on “The Transition: Interpreting Justice from Thurgood Marshall to Clarence Thomas,” Touro Law Review Podcast (Mar. 16, 2024).

Tiffany C. Graham, quoted, Susanti Sarkar & Michael Fitzgerald, Time Running Out for New York Civil Rights Group Scrutinizing Child Welfare System’s Racial Inequities, Imprint (Mar. 29, 2024).

 Samuel J. Levine, mentioned, Touro University Hosts Discussion of Antisemitism on Campus, Jewish Link (Mar. 7, 2024).

Samuel J. Levine, mentioned, Touro University Hosts Discussion of Antisemitism on Campus, Jewish  Press (Mar. 6, 2024).

Samuel J. Levine, mentioned, Chaim Yehuda Meyer, Antisemitism on College Campuses: Professors Speak Out, LA Jewish Home (Mar. 7, 2024).

Samuel J. Levine, quoted, Danielle Marie Holland, Opinion: Reflections for a New Year, South Seattle Emerald (Sept. 19, 2023).

Michael Lewyn, quoted, Lanning Taliferro, Sidewalk Construction Planned in Putnam with Federal Funding, Patch (Mar. 15, 2024).

Mauricio Noroña, quoted, Touro Law’s Immigration Clinic Secures Hard-Earned Victory, LexisNexis Insights: Immigration (Mar. 15, 2024).



Suzanne Darrow-Kleinhaus, A Reply to the National Conference of Bar Examiners: More Talk, No Answers, so Keep on Shopping, 44 Ohio N. L. Rev. 173 (2019), was cited in, Deborah Jones Merritt, Andrea Anne Curcio & Eileen Kaufman, Enhancing the Validity and Fairness of Lawyer Licensing: Empirical Evidence Supporting Innovative Pathways, 73 Wash. U. J. L. & Pol’y 96 (2024).

Eileen Kaufman & Patricia E. Salkin et al., Licensing Lawyers in a Pandemic: Proving Competence, Harv. L. Rev.: Blog (Apr. 7, 2020), was cited in, Marsha Griggs, Outsourcing Self-Regulation, 80 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1807 (2024).

Richard Daniel Klein, The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shall not Be Compelled to Render the Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, 68 Ind. L.J. 363 (1993), & Richard Daniel Klein, The Constitutionalization of Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, 58 Md. L. Rev. 1433 (1999), were cited in, Alexandra L. Klein, The 2022 Alabama Executions and the Crisis of American Capital Punishment, 24 Nev. L. J. 1 (2023).  

Richard Daniel Klein & Robert L. Spangenberg, Indigent Defense Crisis (1993), was cited in, Alexis Hoag-Fordjour, Colloquium: The Legal Profession’s Response to Social Change: Community Responsive Public Defense, 92 Fordham L. Rev. 1309 (2024).

Richard Daniel Klein, The Constitutionalization of Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, 58 Md. L. Rev. 1433 (1999), & Richard Daniel Klein, The Emperor Gideon Has No Clothes, 13 Hastings Const. L.Q. 625 (1986), were cited in, Jenia I. Turner, Ronald F. Wright & Michael Braun, Neglected Discovery, 73 Duke L.J. 1173 (2024).

Samuel J. Levine, The Potential Utility of Disciplinary Regulation as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion, 12 Duke J. const. L. & Pub. Pol’y 1 (2017), was cited in, Perry Moriarty, Kat Albrecht & Caitlin Glass, Race, Racial Bias, and Imputed Liability Murder, 51 Fordham Urb. L. J. 675 (2024).

Samuel J. Levine, Louis Marshall, Julius Henry Cohen, Benjamin Cardozo, and the New York Emergency Rent Laws of 1920: A Case Study in the Role of Jewish Lawyers and Jewish Law in Early Twentieth Century Public Interest Litigation, in Jews and the Law (Ari Mermelstein et al. eds., 2014), was cited in, Dalia T. Mitchell, Asking the Jewish Question: The Import of Jewish History to Corporate Law, 27 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 1293 (2024).

Samuel J. Levine & Bruce A. Green, Disciplinary Regulation of Prosecutors as a Remedy for Abuses of Prosecutorial Discretion: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis, 14 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 143 (2016), was cited in, Milan Markovic, Charging Abortion, 92 Fordham L. Rev. 1519 (2024). 

Samuel J. Levine, Taking Ethical Discretion Seriously: Ethical Deliberations as Ethical Obligation, 37 Ind. L. Rev. 21 (2003), was cited in, Khali Mofuoa, Advancing Ethics-Led Administrative Discretion in Public Administration: A South African Perspective, in The Future of Public Administration – Adapting to a Dynamic World (Muddassar Sarfraz & Muhammad Haroon Shah eds., 2024).

Michael Lewyn, The Criminalization of Walking, 2017 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1167 (2017), was cited in, Carlos A. Rodríguez de la Torre, ¡A Pedalear! Una Mirada a Los Ciclistas y su Legislación en Puerto Rico, 19 Rev. Crit. UIPR 1 (2023).

Meredith R. Miller, Designing a Solo and Small Practice Curriculum, 83 UMKC L. Rev. 949 (2015), was cited in, Alishi R. Tomisich, Learning the Rural Practice of Law, 24 Wyo. L. Rev. 113 (2024).

Meredith R. Miller, Challenging Gender Discrimination in Closely Held Firms: The Hope and Hazard of Corporate Oppression Doctrine, 54 Ind. L. Rev. 123 (2021), was cited in, Benjamin Means & Douglas K. Moll, Against Contractual Formalism in Shareholder Oppression Law, 57 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1867 (2024).

Ann Nowak, The Struggle with Basic Writing Skills, 25 Legal Writing 117 (2021), was cited in, Bret Rappaport, Writing Like a Photographer Thinks: Using Ansel Adam’s Composition Principles to Write more Effective Persuasive Introductions and Conclusions, 28 Legal Writing: J. Legal Writing Inst. 263 (2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, Feeding the Locavores, One Chicken at a Time: Regulating Backyard Chickens, 34 Zoning & Planning Rep. 1 (2011), was cited in, Parker Benton, Cracking Down on Egg Law: Legal Discrepancies Impacting Sales of Ungraded Eggs in Texas, 55 St. Mary’s L. J. 279 (2024).

Patricia E. Salkin & Eileen Kaufman et al., Licensing Lawyers in a Pandemic: Proving Competence, Harv. L. Rev.: BLOG (Apr. 7, 2020), was cited in, Marsha Griggs, Outsourcing Self-Regulation, 80 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1807 (2024).

Patricia E. Salkin & Amy Lavine, The Genesis of RLUIPA and Federalism: Evaluating the Creation of a Federal Statutory Right and its Impact on Local Government, 40 Urb. Law. 195 (2008), was cited in, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church v. City of Brookings, 2024 WL 1303123 (D. Oregon, Mar. 27, 2024).

Patricia E. Salkin, Julian C. Juergensmeyer & Ryan Max Rowberry, Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Law (West Pub., 5th Ed., 2023), was cited in, Brief of Amicus Curiae Michigan Association of Planning, Jostock v. Mayfield Township, 2024 WL 1009905 (Mich., Feb. 23, 2024).

Patricia E. Salkin & Ashira Pelman Ostrow, Cooperative Federalism and Wind: A New Framework for Achieving Sustainability, 37 Hofstra L. Rev. 1049 (2009), was cited in, Jarrod Koester, At a Crossroads: A Path Forward for Wind Energy in Indiana, 103 B.U. L. Rev. 1471 (2023).

Patricia E. Salkin & Ashira Pelman Ostrow, Cooperative Federalism and Wind: A New Framework for Achieving Sustainability, 37 Hofstra L. Rev. 1049 (2009), was cited in, Hannah J. Wiseman, Samuel R. Wiseman & Chris Wright, Farming Solar on the Margins, 103 B.U. L. Rev. 525 (2023).

Patricia E. Salkin, Zoning Reformed: A Conversation with Professor Michael Allan Wolf, 71 U. Kan. L. Rev. 291 (2022) & Patricia E. Salkin, American Law of Zoning (5th ed. 2021), were cited in, Michael Allan Wolf, A Taste of “Zoning Reformed”, 47 Zoning and Planning Law Rep. 1 (2024).

Patricia E, Salkin, American Law of Zoning (5th ed. 2018), was cited in, Brock v. City of Ord, 2024 WL 820057 (Neb. Ct. App., Feb. 27, 2024).

Martin A. Schwartz, The Preiser Puzzle: Continued Frustrating Conlfict Between the Civil Rights and Habeas Corpus Remedies for State Prisoners, 37 DePaul L. Rev. 85 (1987), was cited in, Felipe De Jesús Hernández, Extrajudicial Segregation: Challenging Solitary Confinement in Immigration Prisons, 137 Harv. L. Rev. F. 175 (2024).

Martin A. Schwartz, Section 1983 Litigation (3rd ed. 2014), was cited in, Sarah L. Swan, Public Duties for the New City, 122 Mich. L. Rev. 315 (2023).

Theodore Silver, One Hundred Years of Harmful Error: The Historical Jurisprudence of Medical Malpractice, 1992 Wis. L. Rev. 1193 (1992), was cited in, Brief of Amicus Curiae Arizona Chamber, Roebuck v. Mayo Clinic, 2023 WL 9781471 (Dec. 19, 2023).

Gabriel Weil, European Parliament Passes CBAM, Climate Leadership Council (June 24, 2022), was cited in, Sophia Fossali, The Perfect Climate for Environmental Trade Coordination: An Analysis of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Through GATT Articles XX and XXI, 54 Geo. J. Int’l L. 639 (2023).

Peter Zablotsky, Mixing Oil and Water: Reconciling the Substantial Factor and Results-within-the-risk Approaches to Proximate Cause, 56 Clev. St. L. Rev. 1003 (2008), was cited in, Petitioners’ Brief on the Merits, Werner Enterprises, Inc. v. Blake, 2024 WL 756456 (Tex., Feb. 15, 2024).

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